Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Well here I am again. On monday it was the hottest day this week so of course my middle child was out all day and got sunburn on his neck, arms and legs. My youngest wasn't out as long but got sunburn on the neck. But it wouldn't be Utah if it didn't snow and of course that's what it did this morning. My husband had a job in Nevada but it was snowing so everyone came home. But he might work for the same company that has an office in Los Angeles, California for the summer. I have been trying to start a new life with my family in Utah but I want to move back to California to be closer to my family. People are so different in Utah than California. I do have friends in Utah but I miss my family a lot more. I wanted to try to make it on my own with my own family and new friends but I want to be by my family. It's so hard growing up around a lot of family involvement and getting married and there is hardly any. I think I'm just am just being a big boob or a least that's what my husband would tell me that's why I can't talk to him because I would rather just write about it then have my husband make me feel like an idiot. Well I better go and make lunch for the family. Until next time.


Anonymous said...

AAAAAHHHHHH! I love you big sister! Ro says, "Can't wait till you come back". See you soon. (We hope)!

Anonymous said...

hey, bloggie! So, Mom asked me today if I had talked to you and I said no. Then I decided to check your blog and you haven't posted again, so we shall see if you really read my comments or not. If you me tomorrow (afternoon.) I love you. Hey, my secret word today is "dicia" are you a member of the cia?